Enterprise SEO Audit: What It Is and How To Do It?

Enterprise SEO Audit: What It Is and How To Do It?

As an enterprise organization, you must continually monitor your web presence. This is where a corporate SEO audit may make a huge impact. 

An business SEO audit goes beyond ordinary SEO consultations, delving deep into the complex network of large-scale websites like yours. It examines every aspect of your website, including the underlying technological structure, user experience, and content strategy. It’s about knowing not only where you rank in search engine results, but also why and how you can dominate your sector.

However, getting all of that done might be more difficult than it appears. In this post, we’ll explain how to do an enterprise SEO audit by breaking it down into 8 manageable actions – allowing you to put your firm up for long-term online success.

What is an Enterprise SEO Audit?

seo audit

An enterprise SEO audit is an in-depth analysis of the elements influencing a big website’s search rankings. It entails evaluating aspects of your website that influence your rankings, as well as reviewing your SEO approach.

Once your audit is completed, you will receive a list of which SEO methods are effective and which need to be improved.

The scale of the website is what differentiates a conventional SEO audit from an enterprise-level SEO audit. Enterprise websites are exceptionally vast, with more than 1,000 pages, making the auditing process more involved.

How to do it?

The three primary phases in doing an enterprise SEO audit are:

  • Creating an SEO audit checklist outlining all of the things to consider.
  • Each SEO component is carefully assessed.
  • Developing a plan for making changes based on the audit findings.

An business SEO audit looks at a variety of aspects. After all, Google uses over 200 parameters to rank pages in search.

The following are some of the most critical components of an enterprise-level SEO audit. This list may be used as a checklist for SEO audits.

  1. Targeting and Using the Right Keyword
right keyword

The keywords you target are an essential component of any SEO strategy. As part of your SEO audit, ensure that you’re targeting keywords that will drive quality leads to your website.

Your keywords should be terms that qualified leads use to find information about your industry, company, goods, or services. They should also have a high search volume, which is a measure of how many people search for a specific phrase.

As a business website, you’ll most likely be focusing on short-tail keywords, which are more generic and only comprise a few words. These keywords are more difficult to rank for, but they can generate a lot of quality visitors.

Your corporate SEO audit checklist should also contain a check to ensure that your site’s keywords are used effectively. Make sure you’re not losing out on keyword chances while also not pushing keywords into your content artificially.

  1. Set up Keyword Ranking

Understanding how you rank for your most important and long-tail keywords can help you remain on top of SEO. Setting up tracking is an important component of any corporate SEO audit, but continual monitoring will be necessary to sustain your SEO strategy.

When reviewing your keywords, make sure you’re not simply checking the ones you’ve prioritized. Instead, focus on those for which you currently rank. others will not be a good fit — and others will be completely odd — but you may discover others that work well for your brand and put you in the best position to rise up in SERPs.

  1. Indexed Pages

As part of your SEO audit, ensure that Google indexes your pages. If Google does not index a page, it will not appear in search results.

An mistake may prevent a page from being indexed, or if the page is new, Google may have yet to discover it.

Our SEO Checker and Google Search Console’s Index Coverage report may both detect indexing issues. If Google has yet to find your page, you can submit it.

  1. Ensure that the Content and Backlinks Adhere to Google’s Guidelines

In the corporate SEO sector, following Google’s standards is more than simply good practice; it’s critical to the integrity of your site. Google’s requirements have gotten even more demanding, and noncompliance can result in harsh penalties that destroy all of your hard-earned SEO success.

The amount and quality of links to your site have a substantial impact on how well it ranks.

The more connections you have from distinct domains, and the more authoritative those sites are, the stronger your backlink profile. A good backlink profile can result in higher ranks.

While Google frequently ignores weak connections, it is wary of unethical methods such as link purchase or manipulative link development. What are the consequences? A heavy punishment. The key to protection is simple: avoid these approaches and communicate with a search engine optimization specialist if anything appears suspicious on your website.  

  1. Mobile-friendly 
mobile friendly

More than half of all internet traffic comes from mobile devices, and Google now prefers mobile versions of webpages when indexing them. Because of this, your website must be mobile-friendly.

You may utilize responsive web design to make your site more mobile-friendly. Responsive design allows your website to adjust to the device on which it is viewed. This ensures that everything functions properly and looks fantastic on any device, including a laptop, smartphone, and tablet.

  1. Site Speed

A sluggish website provides a bad user experience, with 83% of visitors expecting pages to load in three seconds or less. If yours does not, they may forsake it in favor of one that is speedier.

As a result, Google considers page speed when determining rankings. So, a sluggish website might harm your rankings.

  1. Robots.txt File

Robots.txt files specify which pages and files search engine crawlers can and cannot request from your website.

Your corporate SEO audit should involve a review of your site’s robots.txt file to ensure that it is providing Google with accurate information. If you mistakenly instruct Google not to crawl a page in your robots.txt file, it may prevent that page from appearing in search results.

Also, bear in mind that robots.txt files are not a reliable way to keep pages with sensitive information out of Google. Instead, use a noindex directive or password protection on these pages.

  1. Quality Content

Quality content is the core of every website and is critical for ranking high. Ensure that the material on each page is unique and adds value to visitors.

If you discover a page that isn’t adding value, delete it or change it to make it more valuable to your audience.

If you discover duplicate material on your site, either delete it or use canonical tags to specify which version of a page is the original.

These are some of the most significant elements to consider during an enterprise-level SEO audit, but they are not the only ones to look at. Because Google utilizes more than 200 ranking variables, there is a lot that may affect your ranks. However, checking the items listed above will get you off to a good start.

How Often Should You Conduct Enterprise SEO Audits?

seo audit

It is typically suggested that you perform a full SEO audit at least once each year. However, given the bigger scope and dynamic nature of commercial websites, a bi-annual audit may be more suitable.

This regularity guarantees that your site remains current with SEO best practices, reacts to algorithm upgrades, and continues to suit the changing demands of your audience. Furthermore, keeping a close eye on your analytics and performance indicators will help you determine when an off-cycle audit is required to address particular concerns or capitalize on emerging possibilities.

Audit Your Site and Give Rankings a Boost

At Marketinglad, we recognize that an SEO audit is more than simply a checklist; it serves as the cornerstone for your whole SEO strategy—and, ultimately, your company’s success. 

When we do audits, we don’t just give over a report; instead, we collaborate with our customers to implement tailored solutions that meet their specific difficulties and objectives. This collaborative approach guarantees that the audit’s findings convert into practical benefits, such as higher rankings, more online exposure, and long-term growth.

Explore our SEO services now. 

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